Get the most out of your HIMSS experience.

Add Mazik Global (Booth #2300 in the Microsoft pavilion) to your HIMSS agenda and see how our CRM and ERP technology sets healthcare systems up for success—and pays for itself.

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Need healthcare CRM & ERP solutions yesterday? Don’t miss MazikCare demos in the Microsoft pavilion (map) throughout the week. Stop by to learn how companies like yours are achieving more for patients and their organizations, all while spending less. Need a deeper dive? Book time with one of our team members at

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Tuesday, March 10 at 3 p.m. ET Mazik Global CTO Suresh Krishnan shares best practices for delivering improved care team collaboration and patient management, starting with enterprise platform architecture. Learn how to design intelligent workflows and securely share data across orgs to derive AI-based insights. At the Microsoft Learning Hub inside the booth.

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Help Mazik give back by entering Mazik Global’s on-site-only raffle at HIMSS. For each entry, we’ll donate $5 to D-tree International, a healthcare nonprofit and entrants will also have a chance to win a $100 VISA gift card. To enter: visit us onsite and show us you’ve downloaded our demo app or followed us on LinkedIn. Must visit our booth to participate.

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